Handle a socket call
Handling a socket should not be complicated. We have found you an elegent standardized solution.
1) Create a new file in the sockets/
2) Add the following to the file e.g. chat.js
const clout = require('clout-js');
module.exports = {
join: {
type: 'on',
event: 'join',
namespace: '/chat',
fn(roomName, cb) {
cb(null, 'Success');
3) Lets create another endpoint
leave: {
type: 'on',
event: 'leave',
namespace: '/chat',
fn(roomName, cb) {
cb(null, 'Success');
sendMessege: {
type: 'on',
event: 'send_messege',
namespace: '/chat',
fn(data, cb) {
let from = this.socket.id;
let { roomName, messege } = data;
clout.sio.of('chat').to(roomName).emit('messege', {
roomName, messege, from
4) Example usage
Note: this following example requires a transpiler for front-end or to manually include the dependencies.
Requires: socket.io-client
const io = require('socket.io-client');
const chatSocket = io.connect('/chat');
chatSocket.emit('join', 'general');
chatSocket.on('messege', (data) => {
let {messege} = data;
chatSocket.emit('send_messege', 'Hello World!');